Sunday, June 13, 2010


hye , nice to meet u guys again ...

baru2 nih , aq adela gado ngan sorang kwn nih , aq agak rapat gak die nih . kteorg gado bnde kecik je , biase la , xde persefahaman , misunderstanding , bla bla bla ...

mle2 argue je , then bnde kecik jd besar . one day tuh , die sms la minta maaf kat aq . tp , aq xrse die patut mntak maaf kat aq psal aq rse aq yg mlekan dulu . then , ble nk reply , bill blom bayar lg . uhh , time camni lak ade prob dtg .

patuh , time hari kantin , aq rse segan la b'baik dgn die blek . ego pnye psal smpai skang aq xckap ngan 'kawan' aq tuh .

p/s: shut down ...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year 2010 .

hye everyone !

Wah ! i can't believe that i already in year 2010 ,

how fast the pendulum swings ,

okayy ,

This year my frenz and i will take a big exam , the big one

Or in other word we all will become PMR victim .

This year my frenz and i will change class ,

From the top fall to the last and the last rise to the top .

This year i hope i will find a girl that will become my ...

This year also i hope that i can find something that i lost last year .

Hope so ,

Wish u all have a great new year ,

Hopefully ,

I pass the BIG EXAM with flying colors ,


p/s : nnt same2 la kte wat solat hajat dan doa2 bnyk2 .

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Teacher .

hye everyone !

thnx b'cuz u all willing to spent some time to read my blog , although it a lil' bit boring . juz tell me if the blog is boring , so that i can make it better . HAHAHA.

(sori ek , bahasa campur2 sket. HEHE)

okayy , see that title . okayy , good . semalam , time my family and i gi jalan2 , ade la we all ckp psal cigu2 kat sekolah . time tgh ckp2 tu , aq adela teringat blek psal jasa cigu2 aq time primary school dulu.

time aq standard 5 dulu , aq ni mmg payah nak pham psal science . lebih2 lg psal variable dlm experiment . cigu yg ajr aq science time tu laki , agak hensem. HAHA . cigu tu , aq tnye bnyk kali psal science , die x pena marah . dahla bnde yg same plak tuh . i bet u all mesti bengang gler kalo ade org tnye u all bnde yg same bnyk kali . even u all marah bnyk kali pon , kalo si tnye tu x pham u all bkan bleh wat ape pon . serius doh , aq x pena lg jmpe cigu sebaik tuh kat tmpt lain . mayb adela in certain place . cigu camtu la cigu yg paling aq respect .

one more thing , ade x u all jmpe principal skola u all ckap camni time u all dtg skola pkai selipar sbb kasut basah ke or anything "xpe , biarla kasut awk basah ke ape ke , asalkan awk dtg skola utk belajar" . ni satu lg . i bet'kan u all mesti pnye x pena dgr seorg principal ckp camtu kat u all . cbe u all bygkan ble principal u all ckp camtu , kalo cigu disiplin sure da marah pnye .

itulah cigu . dieorg sume mne knal penat lelah nih . kte ni sebagai student , we should respect our teacher . kte sume kne blajar bersabar sbb ilmu yg cigu bg tu bleh mencerahkan masa depan kte .

p/s : peace . love . respect

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Goodbye ...

hye everyone ,

26 disember 09 aq pegi la satu shopping complex bernama 'Carrefour' . tau x ? x tau sudah , lantak ko la . sampai je Carrefour tuh , we all gi butik 'F.O.S' . name panjang die 'Factory Outlet Store' . kat ade mcm2 jenis T-shirt . ade la satu tuh aq berkenan , tp mak aq nih mcm2 alasan . alasan paling aq xnk dgr berbunyi begini "x lawa la baju nih" and "abg xleh pkai baju nih , nnt abg panas" .

patuh , we all pegi msok la dlm Carrefour tuh . then , we all pegi kedai kasut . aq amik yg brand North*Star . lawa doh . yg bes nye , aq sorg je dpt beli kasut adek aq xdpt . PADAN MUKE ! . HAHAHA . sbb nye aq dgr rumor adek aq nk jd prefect .

next , we all pegi ke kwsn pets . kat situ cume ade rabbits and hamsters . pretty cute . then , we all pegi ke kwsn sports . mak aq kte aq kne maen basketball supaya jd tinggi . patuh aq sroh la mak aq beli , tiba2 mak aq kate xyah plak . adoh .

abis shopping kat Carrefour , we all pegi 'Wangsa Walk' . still new , i guess . kteorg jalan2 sana sini . syok gak . patuh kteorg pegi 'Tropicana Life' . tgkla beg kat situ . lawa2 doh . aq and adek aq mntak la kat mak aq beli beg kat situ . mayb awl taun baru dpt kowt .HAHAHA

patuh kteorg pegi 'POPULAR' . kat situ ade mcm2 buku . aq da niat nak beli komik , tp sume yg lme pnye . then , aq tnye la mak aq ade x buku jenis motivasi utk aq amik PMR . then da cari2 xde . then , aq amik buku yg berjudul '40 AMAL PENGHAPUS DOSA' . balik je aq tros bce . insaf doh . serius , mmg btol2 insaf .

okay , that's enough . kids , say goodbye to 2009 and say hello to 2010 .

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Reunion

hye everyone ,

wah ! this is my first post yao ! act dah pena ade blog before this one . b'cuz blog tu cari psal dgn aq , aq da x lyan , ntah pape en ? blog tu hidup juz a couple months , then BOOM ! XP . kesian blog tuh . anyway , i hope blog ni tahan for a year at least . i'll do my best to keep post a new story . HAHA !

okay , back to the main story . korang nampak title kat atas tuh ? yg nampak tu , bersyukur la bnyk2 , okay . disember 23 , tepat 11 am aq n k'kwn tlah pegi ke midvalley megamall . korang tau x midvalley ? tau x ? yg tau bagos , yg x tau ajk sape2 pegi sendiri . we all pegi naik KTM jew , tiket pon murah . HUHUHU . time dlm KTM tuh , kwn aq sorg nih x abis2 ckp psal amoi2 kat dlm KTM tuh . dh ade gf pon nak gatal lg , huh ! although amoi2 tu lawa , but i'm not interested . x caya ? muke ptih suci xkan x caya kowt , haiyo !

sampai mid , we all plan nak pegi cinema . too bad , sume pnoh smpai ptg . so kteorg pon pegi "PETS WONDERLAND" . then gi bowling . first game aq menang doh ! 2nd game , aq kalah terok , T^T . patuh , we all jalan2 kat mid tuh . aq gi cari sweater kat "TROPICANA LIFE" . rm90 doh ! dh psg cita2 nak beli tuh . x sempat nak mkn , dh kne balik . dah lewat doh . itula sedikit sebanyak reunion 2009 . act i cut sket cite nih .

p/s : although reunion nih a lil bit boring , but i'm really happy to see they all again .